Installation Instruction

Alternate Installation Options
Non-Directional Grilles
Unit Mounted Grilles
When installing a through-the-wall unit into a sleeve that utilizes a non-directional air flow grille, such as
diamond expanded grille or an archiectural grille. It is recommended that the dual intake grillet supplied with
the unit, be attached directly to the unit before inserting the unit into the sleeve.
(See section on Direct Unit Mounting for instructions how to attache the grille)
In some cases it may be possible to remove a non-Frigidaire grille and attach the dual intake grille
directly to the unit as shown below. Instructions for direct attachment are shown on the page titled
“Direct Unit Mounting”
Installation Instructions
Directional Grilles
When installing a through-the-wall unit into a sleeve that utilizes a directional air flow grille( not Frigidaire),
It is recommended to remove this grille.