installation instructions

Non-Frigidaire Dual Intake Grille
In cases where the existing sleeve is a non-Frigidaire
sleeve but is installed with a dual intake grille. The existing
grille may be left in place. Make sure the outer 3 ½” to 4 ½”
louvers are angled from the left and right sides of the
sleeve toward the center. (See Fig. 1). This provides
proper flow of outside air into the unit.
From the installation kit, apply two 1” x ¾” x 14” seals along
the flat metal flange of the condenser. (See Fig. 2).
Insert the unit with the seals into the sleeve pushing it all the
way to rear making sure the seal are against the rear grille.
The seals are necessary to reduce recirculation of hot
exhaust air into the intakes which would reduce system
Fig. 1
Fig. 2
Installation Instructions