Owner's Guide

Bake controls normal baking. If a rapid preheating is
preferred, refer to Setting Preheat. The oven can be
programmed to bake at any temperature from 170°F to
To set the bake temperature to 375°F:
1. Arrange the interior oven racks.
2. Press Bake. 350 will appear in the display.
3. Press 375.
The Quick Preheat feature is used when a recipe calls
for preheating the oven. When the preheat stage ends,
a tone will sound indicating when to place the food in
the oven. Preheat can be programmed for temperatures
between 170°F to 550°F and is not necessary when
roasting or cooking casseroles.
For batter and dough-based goods such as cakes,
pastries, and breads, use the regular bake or convection
bake function for best results.
To set the preheat temperature for 350°F:
1. Arrange the interior oven racks.
2. Press Quick Preheat. 350 will appear in the display.
Press Start.
3. 350 and Preheat will be displayed while the oven is
4. Press Off when baking is complete or to cancel the
preheat feature.
To change preheat temperature while oven is
preheating (ex: changing from 350°F to 425°F):
1. Press Quick Preheat. 350 will appear in the display.
2. Enter the new preheat temperature. Press 4 2 5.
3. Press Start. 425 will show in the display.
4. When baking is complete, press Off.
Pressing Off at any time stop the feature.
•During preheat, the convection fan is active during
the rst rise in temperature to allow oven to reach
its target temperature faster. The bake, broil, and
convection elements will also cycle for a better heat
•A beep will sound once the set temperature is
•Once the oven reaches the set temperature, the
control beeps and the word Preheat turns off. The
bake feature will display the set oven temperature
and will continue cooking at the set bake
•When preheated, place food in the oven.
4. Press Start. The actual temperature will be
displayed. A beep will sound once the oven
temperature reaches 375°F, and the display will show
5. When preheated, place food in oven.
To change the bake temperature (ex: changing
from 375°F to 425°F):
1. After the oven has already been set to bake at 375°F
and the oven temperature needs to be changed to
425°F, press Bake and 375 will appear in the display.
2. Press 4 2 5.
3. Press Start.
Baking tips
For best bake results:
Fully preheat the oven before baking items like cookies,
cakes, biscuits, and breads.
When using any single rack, position the rack so that
the food is in the center of the oven.
For best results when baking cakes using two oven
racks, place racks in positions 2 and 4 (See gure 1)
and position cookware as shown in gure 2. Allow at
least 2 inches (5 cm) of space between cookware for
proper air circulation.
Dark or dull bakeware absorbs more heat than shiny
bakeware. It may be necessary to reduce oven
temperature and cook time to prevent overbrowning
of some foods. Dark bakeware is recommended for
pies. Shiny bakeware is recommended for cakes,
cookies and mufns.
For batter and dough-based baked goods such as
cakes, pastries, and breads, use the convection
function for best results.
Figure 1 Figure 2