Owners Guide

Setting Delay Start
Bake, convect, bake time, and delay start keys control
the delayed start feature. The automatic timer of delayed
start will turn the oven on and off at the time you select in
To program the oven for a delayed start time with the
e function. (example: baking at 375°F for 30
minutes, starting at 5:30):
1. Be sure that the
clock is set with the correct time of day.
2. Ar
range interior oven rack and place the food in the
3. Press b
ake. 350 will appear in the display.
4. Ent
er the desired temperature, i.e.: press 3 7 5.
5. Press st
art. The actual oven temperature will appear in
the display.
6. Press b
ake time and enter 3 0 using numeric keys.
7. Press st
8. Press d
elay start.
9. Ent
er the desired start time; pressing 5 3 0.
10. Press st
When a delayed baking function starts, the set oven
temperature w
ill appear. Delay, bake, and the current time
of day will appear in the display. When the desired start time
is reached, the actual oven temperature appears in display
and delay disappears. Oven starts to bake at the previously
selected temperature
Setting Warm
Warm is best for keeping oven baked foods warm for
serving after cooking has finished. The warm key turns on
the warm feature, will maintain an oven temperature of
170°F (77°C), and will keep oven baked foods warm for
serving up to 3 hours after cooking.
After 3 hours, the warm
feature will shut the oven off. The
warm feature may be used without any other cooking oper-
ations or can be set to turn on automatically after a bake
e or delay start.
Warm tips:
Always st
art with hot food. Do not use the warm feature
to heat cold food.
od in heat-safe glass and glass ceramic containers
may need higher temperature settings compared to
food in regular containers.
void repeated openings of the oven, it will allow hot air
to escape and the food to cool.
inum foil may be used to cover food to increase
moisture content.
To set warm:
1. Arrange
interior oven racks and place food in oven.
2. Press warm. “HLdwill appear in the display.
3. Press start. If start is not touched within 25 seconds
the request to turn on the warm feature will be
4. To turn off the warm feature at any time, press off.
To set warm to turn on automatically:
1. Ar
range interior oven racks and place food in oven. Set
the oven properly for bake time or delay start. For delay
start instructions, see page 17. For bake time instruc-
tions, see page 16.
2. Press warm.
If no key is touched within 25 seconds, the
request to turn on the warm feature will be cancelled.
3. Press st
art. HLd will disappear and the temperature will
be displayed. The warm mode is set to turn on automat-
ically after timed bake has finished.
4. T
o turn the warm feature off at any time, press off.
Food Poisoning Hazard. Do not let food sit for more than
one hour before or after cooking. Doing so can result in
food poisoning or sickness. Foods that can easily spoil
such as milk, eggs, fish, meat, or poultry should be chilled
in the refrigerator first. Even when chilled, they should not
stand in the oven for more than 1 hour before cooking
begins and should be removed promptly when finished