Wiring Diagram

From any cycle position, press and hold Dry Temp and CANCEL buttons for 15 seconds to display the last error code.
Recalling Last Error Code:
Error Description Possible Causes
E41 Door opened at cycle start Door open
E42 Door closed sensing error Door switch or wiring or sensing circuit on main board failure
E51 Drum motor relay error With line safe relay closed, motor sensing detects voltage on motor
1. Motor short circuit to ground (motor or wiring)
2. Electrical noise
3. Line safe relay problem (main board failure)
4. Motor relay open or short
E52 Drum motor start sensing error Motor relay driven but start sensing not congruent
1. Motor fault
2. Main board fault
E53 Drum motor centrifugal switch error Motor driven but sensing not congruent
1. Motor fault
2. Main board fault
E54 Drum motor sensing error Drum motor relay sensing circuit failure (main board failure)
E61 Heater relay error 1. Heater disconnected (wiring or connector failure)
2. Heater failure
3. Heater relay failure (open circuit)
E63 Heater short error 1. Heater sensing circuit failure (main board failure)
2. Heater failure
E64 Heater open error 1. Heater sensing circuit failure (main board failure)
2. Heater failure
E65 Thermostat open Heater thermostat trip
E67 Heater sensing error Heater sensing circuit failure (main board failure)
E71 NTC1 (OPEN) error 1. NTC open/disconnected
2. Main board fault
E72 NTC1 (SHORTED) error 1. NTC short
2. Main board fault
E73 NTC2 (OPEN) error 1. NTC open/disconnected
2. Main board fault
E74 NTC2 (SHORTED) error 1. NTC short
2. Main board fault
E91 User Interface protocol incongruence error User Interface mounted is not compatible with main board connected
E92 User Interface mother board protocol
1. Wiring failure
2. User Interface board failure
3. Main board failure
E93 MCF checksum error Wrong machine conguration le in main board
E94 CCF checksum error Wrong cycle conguration le in main board
E97 Missing program on CTF error Software problem in main board
EB1 Power supply frequency out of range 1. Power supply problems
2. Wrong MCF
3. Main board failure
EB2 Power supply amplitude out of range (too
1. Power supply problems - too HIGH VOLTAGE
2. Main board failure
EB3 Power supply amplitude out of range (too
1. Power supply problems - too LOW VOLTAGE
2. Main board failure
EB4 Line wiring error Wrong line wiring/connection
EF1 Ventilation blocked error Air ow duct clogged or blocked. Remove debris, clean and check one way vent operation
E9C User Interface conguration checksum error Software problem between main board and User Interface board
Dryer Error Code Table