
Before Lighting
Warning: Important! Before Lighting...
Check the gas supply line {'or cuts, wear or abrasion.
Always keep your face and body as fhr away from the
grill as possible when lighting.
Grill Burner Lighting
Lighting the Grill with electronic ignitor
Always open the lid betbre attempting lighting.
Push and turn one of the control knobs counter clock-
wise to the "ttlGH" position and immediately press
the electronic ignitor button. You'll hear a snapping
sound. It may be necessary to hold the electronic
starter button for about 4 seconds. If the burner does
not light in 4 seconds, turn the knob to OFF and wait
5 minutes befbre trying again. Repeat above steps to
light remaining burners. (See Fig. 25)
Match Lighting
If by chance the electronic ignitor does not light the
burner, the burner may be lit with a match. Keep
your face as far away from the Grill surface as
possible and pass a lit, long stem match through the
spaces in the Grill rack to the ports of the back
crossover burner between the flavor grids. Position
the match near the burner ports and push and turn the
control knob counter clockwise to the "ttlGtt"
position. (See Fig. 26)
Fig. 25
Fig. 26