Owners Manual

Home Canning
Be sure to read and observe all the following points
when home canning with your appliance. Check
with the USDA (United States Department of Agri-
culture) Web site and be sure to read all the infor-
mation they have available as well as follow their
recommendations for home canning procedures.
Use only a completely fl at bottom canner with
no ridges that radiate from the bottom cen-
ter when home canning. Heat is spread more
evenly when the bottom surface is fl at. Use a
straight-edge to check canner bottom.
Make sure the diameter of the canner does
not exceed 1 inch beyond the surface element
markings or burner.
It is recommended to use smaller diameter can-
ners on electric coil and ceramic glass cooktops
and to center canners on the burner grates.
Start with hot tap water to bring water to boil
more quickly.
Use the highest heat setting when fi rst bringing
the water to a boil. Once boiling is achieved,
reduce heat to lowest possible setting to main-
tain that boil.
Use tested recipes and follow instructions care-
fully. Check with your local Cooperative Agri-
cultural Extension Service or a manufacturer of
glass jars for the latest canning information.
It is best to can small amounts and light loads.
Do not leave water bath or pressure canners on
high heat for an extended amount of time.
Using a Griddle (not included)
Use non-stick cooking spray or oil as needed. Slow-
ly preheating the griddle ensures even heat distri-
bution for best cooking results.
Before fi rst use:
Wash Griddle in hot soapy water. Rinse and
then dry completely.
After each use:
Store in a dry place and keep uncovered.
After each use, clean with a sti brush and hot
Using the Griddle:
Place the griddle centered over the left side gas
Preheat the griddle for 5 minutes on medium to
medium low setting. Slow preheat ensures even
heat distribution during the cooking process.
DO NOT preheat the griddle on HI setting. Pre-
heating on HI may warp the griddle and pre-
vent even heat distribution.
Figure 11: Griddle use
You can order a griddle from frigidaire.com.