Use & Care Guide

Cooking Conditions
Conditions in your kitchen can aect the performance of your appliance when cooking food.
Condition Attributes Recommendation
Aging cookware As pans age and become
discolored, cooking times may
need to be reduced slightly.
If food is too dark or overcooked, use
the minimum cook time in the recipe or
If food is too light or undercooked, use the
middle to maximum cook time in the recipe
or packaging.
High altitude Air is drier and air pressure is
Water boils at a lower
temperature, and liquids
evaporate faster.
Foods may take longer to
Doughs may rise faster.
Adjust cooking temperature, cooking time, or
recipes as needed.
Increase amount of liquid in baking recipes.
Increase cook time on cooktop. Cover dishes
to reduce evaporation.
Increase bake time or oven temperature.
Reduce amount of baking soda or baking
powder in recipe. Reduce rising time or
punch down dough and allow it to rise twice.
Cooking Results
Small adjustments may help you achieve the best results.
Result Recommendation
Food too light Use the middle to maximum cook time recommended on packaging or recipe.
Food too dark Use the minimum cook time recommended on packaging or recipe.
Cooking Tips
Use these additional tips to get the best results from your appliance.
Situation Recommendation
Rack placement Follow the instructions in particular oven mode starting in “Setting Oven
Controls” on page 24.
Preheat Fully preheat the oven before baking items like cookies, cakes, biscuits and
breads. Insert food immediately after the beep.
Checking food Use the window and oven light when checking food. Opening the door may
reduce baking performance.
Bake or Convection Bake Convection bake is the best function to use for baking on multiple racks. For
best performance, see.”Convection Bake” on page 25
Steam Bake For directions, tips, and benefits of Steam Bake see “Steam Bake” on page 36.
Food placement Allow at least 2 inches (5 cm) of space between bakeware for proper air