Use and Care Manual

Use care while pulling the water tube
from the door to be sure the tube does
not kink. To prevent damage to the
water line, be sure to install the water
line in a protective spring after reinstall-
ing the doors.
You will pull approximately 4 ft of water
tube from the refrigerator door.
Getting through narrow spaces
If the refrigerator will not fit through an
entrance area, you can remove the doors.
Check first by measuring the entrance.
To prepare for removing the doors:
1. Make sure you unplug the electrical
power cord from the wall outlet.
2. Remove any food from the door
shelves and close the doors.
To remove the refrigerator doors:
1. Open the doors to 90°.
2. Remove all 4 Phillips
screws from
top hinge cover and lift up.
5. Unscrew the plastic clamps that hold
the cables and tubes and then gently
pull up on the water line to remove
them from door.
3. Trace lightly around the door’s top
hinges with a pencil. This makes
reinstallation easier.
4. Disconnect electrical harnesses
running from door to hinge cover on
both doors.
Be sure to set the doors aside in a
secure position where they cannot fall
and cause personal injury, or damage to
the doors.