User Guide

Frequently Asked Questions
Downloading & Installing fring
How do I download fring to my device?
The Android version of fring can be downloaded on the Market or from our website at
Is fring free?
Yes. fring's service is free. Your cost for using fring is the standard data tariff for air time
it takes to download and use fring.
When using fring over 3G data networks, please be aware that you will be subject to the
data usage costs that your service provider charges. If you are using an unlimited 3G
data plan you can use fring as much as you like for free. Using fring over WiFi benefits
you with superior voice quality - completely free of charge
As a guideline for calculating your data charges when using fring, assume that fring
requires 1MB of data per 15 minutes of talk time.
Registering to fring
How do I register?
See the Registering to fring section in this guide.
Can I use more than one user-id on my handset?
No, each handset is limited to a single user-id.
Can I add more than one SIP account to my fring account?
No, each fring account is limited to a single SIP account.
I bought a new handset; can I use the same user-id and password?
Yes. Download the application again and install it on your new handset. Enter the same
fring nickname and password you used with the old handset.
Please note that it is not possible to use the same fring account on more than one
handset at a time.