User Guide

If this is your first use of fring, please choose your fring User ID and Password, and
select 'Next'.
Follow the instructions on the following screen:
Figure 4 Account setup
The registration screen allows you to select your nickname and the password you will
use to access your fring account.
Email address is required for password retrieval purpose.
You can also fill your phone number (international format) for password retrieval via
SMS and for your friends to be able to find you in the fring network.
Note: Passwords must be at least 4 characters.
There's an option to update your mood text and your image. Don't worry; you will be
able to update them later if you wish.
Finally, read the 'User License Agreement' by clicking the 'User license' link, mark
the check box next to it and Press 'Next' to complete the registration and start using