Operating Manual

PrimAer 28GHz Operating Manual
- Temperature L : Temperature Lower Setting
- SU Enable : DU & SU , SU & SU Cascade connection
- SU Link : DU & SU, SU & SU Cascade connection
- DL/UL Test : DL/UL fixed mode setting for testing on TDD operation mode
- ISO Mease : Item to check Isolation between DU and SU
- DC Alarm : Alarm to monitor DC input power -53.5V status of the DU
- Temp Alarm : DU internal temperature
- TSYNC Link Alarm : TDD sync signal of outside base station signal
- AC Alarm : Alarm to monitor Rectifier AC input power 100 ~ 240V status
- BAT Alarm : Alarm to monitor battery operation status
- Decoding Alarm : Alarm to monitor T-Sync status
- FPGA Link : Alarm to monitor status between FPGA and CPU
Modem Status
This item is to monitor the modem's RSRP, RSRQ real-time and control modem reset.
MVBX Status
This item can monitor signal information from the OTA of the base station such as PSS SNR, RSRP
real-time, and can check sync acquisition and RSRP AGC functions.
- RSRP : Item to check RSRP of the input signal from the DU
- SNR : Item to check SNR of the input signal from the DU
- PSS : Item to check PSS of the input signal from the DU
- Beam ID : Item to check the base station's strongest signal with beamforming function through
- PCI : Item to check connected base station's PCI through DU beamforming function
- AGC Level : Item to set signal strength of RSRP to operate AGC function
- AGC On/Off : Item to control AGC function On/Off
- GS On/Off : Item to check T-Sync acquisition information
- Decoded count : Item to check T-Sync acquisition information
- Decoded success : Item to check T-Sync acquisition information
- Decoded rate[%] : Item to check T-Sync acquisition information