User`s manual

User’s manual · TSQ 310
- 13 - TSQ 310 version_en_1.1 FTE maximal
- Read from module: It stores the current configuration of the module in the memory of the programmer. The steps to
make a correct reading of the headend are specified below:
1. Select the option “Read from
module” through Up/Down buttons.
Press OK to continue
2. Select the position of “CFG”
memory where you wish to save the
current configuration of the module.
3. A window will appear and it will let
you know that the reading made has
been correct
- Write to module: It loads in the module one of the configurations previously saved in the memory of the programmer. The
steps to make a correct configuration of the headend are specified below:
1. Select the option “Write to module”
through Up/Down buttons. Press OK
to continue
2. Select the position of the “CFG”
memory that you wish to copy in the
module. Please verify that the data of
the selected memory correspond to
the channel that you wish to copy.
3. A window will appear and it will let
you know that the configuration made
has been correct
3. Config
In “Config” option the information concerning the transmodulator is given.
- Read log: It allows reading the registered events in the module.
1. Select the option “Read LOG file”
through Up/Down buttons. Press OK
to continue
2. Press OK again to show the log file. 3. A new window will appear. It will
show the information about the
registered events in the module. Press
the following keys in order to scroll up
and down the screen: “up/down”.
- Delete LOG file: It allows deleting all events stored until this moment.
- Factory default: This option restores the values by default of the transmodulator.
- Update FW: It allows carrying out the firmware update from the programmer.
- Output services: This option allows making the selection of the services that you wish to include in the output multiplex.
Once you have tuned a transponder and you have selected the DVB-T/DVB-H modulator configuration, you can make the
assignment of the services that are going to be included in the output multiplex “Adding/Removing services”.
TSQ 310
N:00001 Status:03
07/02/11 09:05:02
Front-end lock
TSQ 310
OK to Show LOG
TSQ 310
>Read LOG file
Delete LOG file
TSQ 310
Operation finish
TSQ 310
Freq:11362 Sr:27500
Output Freq:850000
TSQ 310
> *Write to Module *
*Read from Module*
TSQ 310
Operation finish
TSQ 310
Free position
TSQ 310
> *Read from Module*
*Write to Module *
TSQ 310
>Read LOG file
Delete LOG file