User's Manual

Flat Panel Sensors Operation Manual 897N200608
Open-Source Software Contained in This Product
This product contains third party’s software that is made available as open source software or free
This software is provided “as is” with no warranty of any kind as to its merchantability or tness for any
particular purpose.
For the information on open source software contained in this product, please see the attached DVD.
Source codes for certain type of open source software used in this product are available at delivery cost.
If you would like to receive such source codes, please contact INNOLUX dealer or the service
representatives at the agency from which you purchased this product. (Please be noted that any
inquiries concerning the contents of source codes should be directed to original licensors of open source
Note : INNOLUX has successfully performed verication and validation testing on all third party
software and has conrmed its suitability to be used in this system.
All company names and product names described in this manual are the trademarks or registered
trademarks of INNOLUX Corporation or their respective holders.
Windows is the registered trademark of US Microsoft Corporation in the U.S.A. and other countries.
Copyright © 2016-2017 INNOLUX Corporation. All rights reserved.