User's Manual

(IEEE) C95. 1-1992
• Institute of E
lectrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) C95.1-1999 Edition
RF Exposur
e Compliance and Control Guidelines and Operating
control you r ex posure an d en sure comp liance with the occu pational/controlled en vironment
exposure limits always adhere to the following procedures.
• Do not remove the RF Exposure Label from the device.
• User awareness instructions should accompany device when transferred to other users.
• Do not use this device if the operational requirements described herein are not met.
Operating Instructions:
Transmit no more than t he rated duty factor of 50% of the time. To transmit (talk), push the
Push-To-Talk (PTT) button. To receive calls, release the PTT button. Transmitting 50 % of the
time, or less, is important because this radio generates measurable RF energy exposure only when
transmitting (in terms of measuring for standards compliance).
Hold the radio in a vertical position in front of face with the microphone (and the other parts of
the ra dio, incl uding the antenna) at le ast one i nch (2. 5 cm ) away from the nose. Keeping t he
radio at th e proper distance is important because RF e xposures decrease w ith distance from the
antenna. Antenna should be kept away from eyes.
• When worn on the body, always place the radio in a Beifeng’s approved clip, holder, holster, case,
or body harness for this produc t. Using approved body-worn accessories is important because the
use of Beifeng’s or other m anufacturers non-approved accessories may result i n exposure levels,
which exceed the FCC’s occupational/controlled environment RF exposure limits.
If y ou are not usi ng a body-worn ac cessory and ar e n ot using t he ra dio i n t he in tended use
position in front of the face, then ensure the antenna and the radio are kept at least 2.5 cm (one
inch) from the b ody w hen tra nsmitting. Keep ing the rad io at t he proper d istance is im portant
because RF exposures decrease with increasing distance from the antenna.
U se only manufacturer’s nam e appr oved s upplied or r eplacement an tennas, ba tteries, and
accessories. Use of non-m anufacturer-name approv ed ant ennas, ba tteries, and accessories may
exceed the FCC RF exposure guidelines.
•For a list of Beifeng’s approved accessories (see the user manual), or (visit the following website
which l ists a pproved accessories: h ttp: add w ebsite a ddress), o r(The m anufacturer sh ould
include the appropriate bracketed item{s} in the manual.)
For a list of Beifeng’s approved accessories (see the user manual)