User's Manual

vice remote destroy decoding: If this feature is checked, the two-way radio with the function of
remote destroy or activ ation can be remotely destroyed or activated. TX and R X are disabled for a
remotely destroyed two-way radio. The purpose is that if the two-way radio is lost, remotely destroy
it to disable TX and RX functions to prevent information leakage.
mote monitor decoding: If t his feat ure is ch ecked, t he t wo-way radio with t he f unction of
remote monitor can realize remote monitor. When this feature is enabled, the microphone is ON and
voice from th e two -way rad io will b e sen t to th e other party v ia th e microphone. Th is feature is
enabled in a specific condition to facilitate monitoring message from the other party.
ergency rem ote monitor d ecoding: If th is feature is checke d, the tw o-way rad io with th e
function of re mote monitor can perform rem ote m onitor o ver a n al arm of t he em ergency sy stem
irrespective of whether the rem ote monitor decodi ng is checked. T his feat ure allows a user t o
monitor an emergency alarm from the other party to understand his (her) dangerous environment and
provide a rescue.
of remote monitor (s): th is feature is to set the time to open the microphone after th e
remote monitor is enabled. It is 10 s by default and set from 10 - 110s.
Digital Em
ergency Alarm
di gital e mergency a larm sy stem is used as com munication s ignaling pro tocol for
two-way radios in digital mode. You can create up to 4 groups.
1) Add alarm
1. Right click “
Emergency System” folder in the tree view.
2. Select “Add (A) -> Alarm (1)”.
2) Delete alarm:
1. Rig
ht click an alarm in the tree view.
2. Select “Delete (D)”.