User's Manual

Alarm Type
n alarm is a non-voice signal capable of triggering prompt or indication to the other
two-way radio. This feature is to specify the alarm behavior of the two-way radio when
a user presses the emergency alarm key.
: the two-way radio is disabled for transmitting an alarm signal.
eneral: The two-way radio sends an alarm signal a nd provides audio indication that it
is in emergency mode.
uiesce: the two-way radio sends an alarm signal, but not t o provide audio indication
that it is in emergency mode. In addition, it will not voice any received audio.
uiesce with voice: the two-way radio se nds an alarm signal, but not to provide audio
indication that it is in emergency mode. Then, it will voice legal channel activities.
Emergency alarm : the two-way radio sends an e mergency alarm and then
exits from e mergency mode. This alar m is a non-voice s ignal capable of
triggering prompt or indication for the other two-way radio.
2) Emergency alarm and call: the two-way radio will send an emergency alarm
and an emergency call can be transmitted by press the PTT key.
3) Emergency alarm and voice: this opti on will enable H ot Mic to allow
remote controlling of Hot Mic related functions, i.e. Hot Mic duration. T he
two-way radio will send an em ergency alarm and activate m icrophone for
an emergency call. A user does not have to p ress the PTT key to trans mit
Response channel
The channel is used for digit al emergency alarm or voice. Any digit al channel
can be set to a response channel, including a channel specified by the channel
Impolite r
Impolite tr ansmission refers to tr ansmission performed w hen there i s an