User's Manual

Add of
fset to RX frequency to obtain TX frequency.
11Reference frequency
Down offset for RX and TX frequency difference.
12Rx group list
Select group call communication available for the current channel.
13Default communication address
A call initiated in the channel when pressing PTT key. If “null” is selected, it will stop
initiating a call in the channel and prompt a user with an invalid call prompt tone.
14Emergency System
Link all availab le digital em ergency alarm systems to the channel for use in
emergency. If null is selected , a us er is prohib ited to tran smit a n
emergency call in the channel.
Configure the digital emergency alarm system in the “signaling system” folder before
selecting; otherwise, the default value is used (null).
“RX only” function should be disabled.
15TX power
Set TX power level of the two-way radio in t he channel. A user ca n switch between
high p ower a nd l ow p ower by lon g pr ess or shor t press of pro grammable ke ys
(High/low power) or power (“Setting” menu).
High: used when a stronger signal is required to increase TX distance.
Low: used for short range communication and preventing TX into other
geographical groups.
16TX Timeout timer (s)