User Manual

key to transmit an all call;
Enter Contacts menu to select the all call number you want to call, then
press PTT key to transmit an all call;
Duplex Call
The radio supports full duplex mode communication that is you can transmit
and receive at the same time. Only the current channel of transmitter and
receiver are set as duplex mode that you can make a full duplex call.
Reject Stranger Call
On digital mode, if enable reject strange call feature, while the call ID not exist
in the contacts list, it’s unable to transmit or receive. When received group call
or all call, the device ID of transmitter and group call ID or all call ID must be
preset on address list.
Receiving and Calling Back
On digital channel, while a private call is received, you may press the PTT key
within the preset time period to call back. If you do not respond to a received
private call within the preset time period, the radio will display the missed call
icon; while a group call is received, you may press the PTT key within the
preset time period to call back; while an all call is received, you can’t respond
to an all call. While receiving, the radio detect digital and analog signal (is must
attach to CTCSS/CDCSS) simultaneously, if detected matching signal, within