Safety Information

We strive for the accuracy and completeness of this
manual, but no warranty is given on its content. All the
specifications and designs are subject to change without
prior notice due to continuous technology development. No
part of this manual may be copied, modified, translated or
distributed in any form without our prior written
The third-party products referred to in this manual are
property of those third parties. We do not guarantee their
accuracy, validity, timeliness, legality or completeness.
The user should be aware of and understand the general
hazards in operating a two-way radio transceiver. We
cannot guarantee the safety and operation of our
transceiver with aftermarket accessories unless they have
been tested and sold by us.
Our transceiver should be maintained and serviced by a
qualified two-way radio dealer and their technical staff.
Failure to do so may violate our warranty.
No two-way radio transceiver including ours shall be
operated including powered on in hazardous areas such as
explosive atmospheres including Inflammable gas, dust
particles, metallic powders, grain dust, etc. This shall
include confined spaces where these hazards exist, in
areas where blasting or blasting products are in use or
stored, and while fueling at refueling centers. In any of
these conditions or where hazards exist, the transceiver
shall be powered off.
Observe the following precautions to prevent fire, personal
injury and transceiver damage.
● Do not modify or attempt to adjust this transceiver for any
● Do not expose the transceiver to direct sunlight for long