Owner's Manual

Before You Begin
Parts of the Camera
The Indicator Lamp
Camera status is shown by the indicator
Indicator lamp
Indicator lamp
Camera status
Camera status
Glows green Focus locked.
Blinks green Focus or slow shutter speed warning. Pictures can be taken.
Blinks green and
Camera on: Recording pictures. Additional pictures can be
Camera o : Uploading pictures to a smartphone or tablet.
Glows orange
Recording pictures. No additional pictures can be taken at
this time.
Blinks red Lens or memory error.
* Displayed only if pictures are selected for upload.
Warnings may also appear in the display.
The indicator lamp remains o while your eye is to the view nder.
If the camera is o , the two lamps des-
ignated as “indicator lamp 2” light green
while the batteries are charging. The
lamp on the right shows the status of the
battery in the right battery chamber, that
on the left the status of the battery in the
left battery chamber (P 43).