User's Manual

7-4 User's Manual
Table 7.1 Print Quality Problems and Solutions (Cont.)
Problem Solution
Lines are double
spaced instead of
single spaced.
Check the line spacing setting in your software.
Change the CR-CODE setting in the printer
setup mode to CR ONLY. See the section
MENU1 and MENU2 Items and Options in
Chapter 5.
The printer
overprints on the
same line.
Change the CR-CODE setting in the printer
setup mode to CR & LF. See the section
MENU1 and MENU2 Items and Options in
Chapter 5.
The next print line
starts where the
previous line ended
instead of at the left
Change the LF-CODE setting in the printer
setup mode to LF & CR. See the section
MENU1 and MENU2 Items and Options in
Chapter 5.
The top of form of
continuous form
displaces gradually.
Variation of the top of form is saturated in a few
pages and displacement is about 1mm or less. In
this case adjust value is prepared in setup mode.
See ADJUST Items and Options and search
Variation of the top of form isnt saturated. In
this case setting of page length isn’t correct.
Make sure that page length setting equal actual
page length exactly.
In general page length of continuous form is
multiple of 0.5inch. Anyway don’t set page
length of continuous forms using mm unit.