Installation Instructions

Table Of Contents
Step 8
Remove weatherproofing covers from connectors.
Step 9
Locate the-48 DC power cable connection on the bot tom of the RU.
Step 10
Loosen the cable connection by rotat ing the cable-counter clockwise.
Step 11
Remove the cable from the –48V DC port on the RU and the pow er source.
Step 12
Insert a prot ective cover int o the –48V DC port.
Step 13
Verify that no pow er is present by measuring volt age on the power cable using a DM M .
This task is complete.
Remove RF Cables
This procedure describes how to disconnect the four RF cables from the RU.
RU pow ered off
Step 1
Remove the weatherproofing from each connector according to local guidelines.
Step 2
Loosen each RF connection bet ween the RU and the antenna.
Step 3
Disconnect the RF cables from the RF port on the RU.
Step 4
Insert prot ective covers int o the RF port s.
Continue with the next task.
Remove AISG Cable
This procedure describes how to remove AISG RET cable from the RU.
Cable Removal
Release 1.0 · Issue 1, M arch 2021
Fujitsu and Fujitsu Customer Use Only