Installation Instructions

Table Of Contents
FCC requirement s:
Radio frequency radiation exposure limit s: CFR 47, Part 1.130
Unintent ional radiation: CFR 47, Part 15B
Radio frequency radiation exposure limit s: CFR 47, Part 1.1310
Frequency Allocation and Radio Treaty M att ers: CFR 47, Part 2
Unintent ional radiation: CFR 47, Part 15
Public M obile Services: CFR 47, Part 22
Personal Communication Services: CFR 47, Part 24
M isc Communication Services: CFR 47, Part 27
Private Land M obile Radio Services: CFR 47, Part 90
FCC rules on output power as out lined in part 90(90.617, 90.691), part 22 (22.917, 22.970, 22.971), part
27 (27.53).
3GPP TS.25.461 NR Iuant interface:Layer1 v6.5.0 (2005-12)
Release 1.0 · Issue 1, M arch 2021
Fujitsu and Fujitsu Customer Use Only