Installation Instructions

Table Of Contents
Optical Connector Cleaning
In this appendix:
C.1 Cleaner Recommendations
C.2 LC Connect or End Surface Cleaning
C.3 End Surface Cleaning In LC Connector
The RU mounts an SFP module. The met hod of cleaning the opt ical connector end surface of SFP module is
show n in this section.
Danger: Never look into the end of a fiber-optic cable. Permanent eye damage or blindness can occur very
quickly if the laser light is present . Follow local safety precaut ions regarding fiber.
Danger: Never handle exposed fiber with bare hands or touch it to base skin. Fiber fragments can enter
the skin and are difficult to det ect and remove.
Caution: Clean the opt ical connector before insert ing and aft er removal.
Optical Connector Cleaning
Release 1.0 ยท Issue 1, M arch 2021
Fujitsu and Fujitsu Customer Use Only