Installation Instructions

Table Of Contents
Optical Connector Cleaning
In this appendix:
C.1 Cleaner Recommendat ions
C.2 LC Connector End Surface Cleaning
C.3 End Surface Cleaning In LC Connector
The RU mount s an SFP module. The met hod of cleaning the optical connector end surface of SFP module is
show n in this section.
Danger: Never look into the end of a fiber-opt ic cable. Permanent eye damage or blindness can occur very
quickly if the laser light is present . Follow local safety precautions regarding fiber.
Danger: Never handle exposed fiber wit h bare hands or touch it to base skin. Fiber fragments can enter
the skin and are difficult to det ect and remove.
Caution: Clean the opt ical connector before insert ing and aft er removal.
Optical Connector Cleaning
Release 1.0 ยท Issue 1, M arch 2021
Fujitsu and Fujitsu Customer Use Only