Operating Manual

Table Of Contents
FCC and IC Regulatory Information
FCC Radio Frequency Exposure stat
The available scientic evidence does not show that any health problems are associated with
using low power wireless devices. There is no proof, however, that these low power wireless
devices are absolutely safe. Low power wireless devices emit low levels of radio frequency
energy (RF) in the microwave range while being used. Whereas high levels of RF can produce
health effects (by heating tissue), exposure to low-level RF that does not produce heating
effects causes no known adverse health effects. Many studies of low-level RF exposure have
not found any biological effects. Some studies have suggested that some biological effects
might occur, but such ndings have not been conrmed by additional research.
The wireless LAN radio components have been successfully tested for compliance with the
FCC radio frequency limit values for unmonitored devices. The radio components comply with the
FCC Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Guidelines in KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure
Guidance v06
The exposure standard for wireless devices employs a unit of measurement known as the Specic
Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6W/kg, and 1.6W/kg by Industry
This device is compliant with SAR for general population / uncontrolled exposure limits in
ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992 and Canada RSS 102, and had been tested in accordance with
the measurement methods and procedures specied in FCC CFR Rule Part 15.247 and
15.401, and Canada RSS 102. This device has been tested, and meets the FCC, IC RF
exposure guidelines when tested with the device operating conditions.
Déclaration de la FCC/d’Industrie Canada sur
l’exposition aux radiofréquences
La norme régissant l’exposition des appareils sans l aux radiofréquences emploie une unité
de mesure dénommée Taux d’absorption spécique, ou TAS. La FCC et Industrie Canada ont ni
la même limite de TAS : 1.6 W/kg. Cet appareil est conforme au TAS pour les limites d’exposition
générales de la population/non contrôlées nies par les règles C95.1-1992 de l’ANSI/IEEE et
RSS 102 d’Industrie Canada ; il a été testé en conformité avec les méthodes et procédures de
mesure spéciées dans le FCC CFR Rule Part 15.247 and 15.401 (O d’ingénierie et de technologie)
et la règle RSS 102 d’Industrie Canada. Cet appareil a été testé selon
les directives de la FCC et d’IC concernant l’exposition aux radiofréquences et s’est révélé
conforme à ces dernières lorsqu’il a été testé en contact direct avec le corps.
Export restrictions
This product or software contains encryption code which may not be exported or transferred from
the US or Canada without an approved US Department of Commerce export license.
This device complies with Part 15 of FCC Rules, as well as ICES 003 B / NMB 003 B. Operation is
subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device must not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesirable
operation. Modications not expressly authorized by Fujitsu America, Inc. may invalidate the user’s
right to operate this equipment.
104 Fujitsu