Operation Manual

First-time setup of your device
Switching on the device for the rst time
Switchingonfortherst time
When you switch on the device for the rst time, the supplied software is
installed and congured. Because this procedure must not be interrupted,
you should set aside enough time for it to be fully completed and connect
the device to the mains using the mains adapter.
During the installation process, DO NOT restart the d evice unless
you are requested to do so!
To make it easier to use yo
ur device for the rst time, the operating system
is pre-installed on the
hard disk.
Switch on your device.
During install
ation, follow the instructions on screen.
If a Windows op
erating system is installed on your device, you will nd more
information o
n the system and drivers, help programmes, upd ates, m anuals etc.
on the device o
r on the Internet at "
http://www.fujitsu.com/fts/suppo r t/".
You can nd in
formation and help on the W indows operating system functions
on the Intern
et at "
http://windows .microsoft.com" .
18 Fujitsu