User manual

Table Of Contents
Important notes
Additional safety notes for devices with
wireless components
Wirelesscom ponentsWirelessLANBluetooth,Safetynotes
If a radio component (Wireless LAN, Bluetooth) is integrated in your Tablet PC, you must be
sure to observe the following sa fety precautions concerning your Tablet PC:
Switch off the wireless components when you are in an aircra ft or driving in a car.
Switch off the wireless components when you are in a hospital, a n operating
room or near a medical electronics system. The transmitted radio waves
can impair the operation of medical devices.
Switch off the wireless co mponents, when you let the device get near ammable
gases or into hazardous environments (e.g. gas station, paint stores), as the
transmitted radio waves can c ause an explosion or a re.
For further information on how to switch the wireless components on and off, refer
to section "
Switching the wireless components on and off", Pa ge 36.
Protecting the display screen
In this event, do n
ot pour liquids onto the device and do not wash it with a wet cloth.
Do not place any o
bjects on the screen, so that it will not be damaged.
The warranty do
es not cover a scratched screen.
Energy saving
If you will not be using your Tablet PC, switch it off. Switch off any connected exte rnal devices when
they are not in use. If you use the energy-sa ving functions, the Tablet PC uses less power. If you do
this, you will be a ble to work longer with the Tablet PC before having to recharge the battery.
The energy efciency is increased and en vironmental pollution is red uced.
You s ave money a nd help prot e ct th e environment.
Energy saving under Windows
Make use of the available energy-saving functions as described in chapter
Using the energy saving functions", Page 34.
ling w ith your Tablet PC
MobileoperationNotesTranspor tationTabletPC
Please follow the instructions below when traveling with your Tablet PC.
Fujitsu 13