User manual

Table Of Contents
Security functions
Security functions
Your Tablet PC has several security features that you can use to secu re your system
and your personal data from unauthorized access.
This chapter explains how to use these functions, and what the benets are.
Please remember that in some cases, for example, forgetting your password,
you may be locked out of the system and unable to access you r d ata.
Therefore, please note the following information:
Back up your data on external data carriers at re gular intervals.
Some security functio
ns need you to choose passwords. Make a note
of the passwords and ke
ep them in a safe place.
If you forget your passwords you will need to contact our Service Desk.
Deletion or resetting of passwords are not covered by your warranty
and a charge will be made for assistance.
Conguring password protection in B IOS Setup Utility
Before using the various options for password protection in the BIOS Setup
Utility, please proceed as follows to increase data security:
Make a note of the passwords and keep them in a safe pla ce. If you forget your
supervisor passwo rd you will not be able to access your Tablet PC. Passwords are
not covered by your warranty and a charge will be made for assistance.
Password protection
You r password can be up to eight characters long a nd can con tain letters and
numbers. No distinction is made between uppercase and lowercase.
Protecting BIOS Setup Utility (supervisor password
and user password)
If you have opened these o perating instructions on the screen, we recommend
that you print them out. You cannot call up the instructions on th e screen
while you are setting up the password.
The supe
rvisor password and the user password both prevent unauthorized use of the BIOS
Setup U
tility. The supervisor password a llows you to access all of the functions of the BIOS Setup
y, while the user password will only give you access to some of the functions. You can
only se
t up a user password if a supervisor password has already been assigned.
ng and using the BIOS Setup Utility is described in the c hapter
ings in BIOS Setup Utility", Page 46.
38 Fujitsu