User manual

Table Of Contents
Security functions
Activating system protection
Start the BIOS Setup Utility and go to the Security menu.
Select the Password on Boot option and press the Enter key.
Select the option you require (Disabled, First Boot or Eve r y Boot) and press the enter key
Select the Save Changes & Exit option unde r Exit.
The Tablet PC reboots. You will be prompted to enter your password (the supervisor password).
Deactivating system protection
Start the BIOS Setup Utility and go to the Security menu.
Select the Password on Boot option and press the Enter key.
Select the Disabled option and press the Enter key.
If you d o not want to change any other settings, you can exit BIOS Setup Utility.
Select the Save Changes & Exit option unde r Exit.
The Tablet PC reboots. The system is no longer password-prote cted.
Password protecti
on for the hard disk
The hard disk password prevents unauthorized access to the hard d isk drives
and is checked intern ally each t ime the system is booted. The condition for this
is that you have assigned at least the supervisor HD D password.
Activating hard disk protection
Call up the BIO
SSetupand select the Security menu.
If you have not assigned BIOS passwords yet, dene the supervisor and the user
password now, if desired (see "
Securit y functions", Page 38).
Mark the Hard
Disk Security eld and press the Enter key.
In the a rea Drive0 , mark the eld Set Master Password and press the Enter key.
Enter new Pa
ssword then appears and you are asked to enter a password.
Ente r the password and press the Enter key.
Conrm ne w
Password requires you to con rm the password.
Ente r the password again and press the En ter key.
With Se tu
p Notice: Changes have been saved you receive conrmation that
the new pa
ssword has been saved.
If you wish to enter a password for a second hard disk (Drive1), in the area
Drive1 mark the eld Set Master Password and proceed in exactly the same way
as for the set up of the rst hard disk (Drive0).
The el
d Password Entry on Boot is set to Enabled by default. You can exit the BI OS
once you have nished changing the s ettings.
From the Exit menu, choose the option Exit Saving Changes.
the Enter key and select Yes.
The Tablet PC reboots and your hard disk is now protected w ith a password. The
password prompt is enabled as soon as the Tablet PC has rebooted.
40 Fujitsu