Operating Manual

Table Of Contents
Working with the Tablet PC
A pixel consists of 3 subpixels, norma lly red, green and
blue. A pixel is the smallest element that can be generated
by complete functionality of the display.
A subpixel is a separately addressable internal structure
within a pixel that enhances the pixel function.
Cluster A cluster contains two or more
defective pixels or
subpixels in a 5 x 5 pixel bloc
Background l igh ting
LCD screens are operated with background lighting. Th e lu mino sity of the background
lighting ca n decrease over the period of use of the Tablet PC. However, you
can set the brightness of your screen yourself.
Ambient light senso r
If your Tablet PC was shipped with the Windows operating system, the screen brightness is
regulated by means of the ambient light sensor and d epending on the respective light conditions.
This resu lts in optimum reada bility and longer battery life at the same time.
If your Tablet PC was shipped w ith Windows 10, the adaptive brightness setting is activated. To
change the ambient light sensor settings, select Control Panel - System and Security - Power Options -
Change plan settings - Change advanced power settings - Display - Enable adaptive brightness..
Synchronizing the display on the touchscreen and an external monitor
In Windows 10 you can proceed as follows to set the output type:
Wipe yo ur nger o
ver the screen starting from the right-hand edge.
Select All settings.
Look for the key
word "project".
Select the required function.
Select display orientation (portrait or
landscape f
You can choose to use either portrait or landscape for the display, or whether the screen
orientation should automatically adjust to the orientation of the tablet PC.
You can change these se ttings under Control Panel - Hardware and Sound
- Windows Mobility Center / Rota te screen.
In the settings there are proles saved for operation with different screen orientations.
These proles have preset standard congurations that can be modied as desired.
These settings do not just affect the monitor settings on the Tablet PC,
but also on e xternal monitors that are c onne cted.
Fujitsu 25