User Manual

Other Bed
Display / Alarm
This section explains about the function to display the waveform and numeric data and to set
alarms for other bedside monitors.
To use this function, wired network connection is required.
Other Bed Display
The other bed display can be accessed from the menu or from the preprogrammed user key.
Also, by setting the other bed alarm ON, Other Bed Alarm key will be displayed when other
bedside monitor generates an alarm. By pressing this Other Bed Alarm
key, the display for
the other bed can be accessed.
1. Press the Menu
Other Bed
keys to display the other bed selection menu.
On the other bed selection menu, select the
Room / Bed ID to display from the 48 beds
connected to the wired network.
The Room / Bed ID for the alarm generating
bed will be displayed in red.
The bed displaying this menu will be displayed
in gray.
The key LED for the bed selected as the other
bed alarm generating bed will be lighted.
2. Press the Room / Bed ID key and access the display for the other bed.
ECG waveform and numeric data for the
selected bed will be displayed.
If an alarm is generated for this bed, the
physiological alarm / arrhythmia alarm
message will be displayed.
By pressing the Alarm Silence key on the
other bed display, the alarm sound for the
displayed bed can be silenced.
Display from the
Other Bed Alarm
Display from the menu Display from the user key
Other Bed