Safety Manual

Full Swing Launch Monitor Safety Manual
At a battery temperature of 55°C (131°F), the Launch Monitor system automatically performs a thermal
shutdown. To resume use of the Launch Monitor system following a thermal shutdown, turn the Launch
Monitor system off, move it to a cooler environment, and keep it turned off until the Launch Monitor
system has cooled down to normal use temperatures.
Damage in Shipping and Handling
When a Launch Monitor system has been received by the operator, new or as part of a return to the
customer following an upgrade or repair, carefully examine the shipping container for any signs of
physical damage. Notify Full Swing immediately if there are any signs of damage. After unpacking the
Launch Monitor system, inspect it carefully for any evidence of physical damage.
The Launch Monitor system is designed and intended for the purpose and use described in
Launch Monitor system documentation.
The Launch Monitor system may only be used with the equipment and within the operating
conditions as described in system documentation.
All country and industry-specific statutory or otherwise mandatory laws and regulations apply
unless stated otherwise in relevant documentation.
The operator is solely responsible for applications which may exceed the intended use described
herein for all parts and equipment of the Launch Monitor system.
Full Swing does not accept any liability beyond the intended usage. The following applies:
Individual Restrictions and product equipment, device specifications in the offer description
from the manufacturer (also found in the delivery contract), and applicable warranty terms.
Intended use also means that all specifications in these instructions must be followed. Any use
beyond the designated intended use is considered misuse.