Owner's manual

© Fulton Companies 2014
All information in this manual is for
reference and guidance purposes,
and does not substitute for required
professional training, conduct,
and strict adherence to applicable
jurisdictional/professional codes and
Do not operate, or allow others
to operate, service or repair this
equipment unless you (they) fully
understand all applicable sections
of this manual and are quali ed to
operate/maintain the equipment.
Defective or improperly installed
equipment is hazardous. Do not
operate equipment which is defective
or improperly installed.
Never leave an opened manual air
vent unattended. In the event an
opened vent is left unattended, water
or  uid damage could occur. The
exception to this warning is a feed
water deaerator manual vent cracked
open may be left unattended.
Defective equipment can injure you
or others. Do not operate equipment
which is defective or has missing parts.
Make sure all repairs or maintenance
procedures are completed before
using the equipment. Do not attempt
repairs or any other maintenance
work you do not understand.
Installation in accordance with the
guidelines within the manual should
be fully completed before performing
the initial start-up; and start-up must
be complete prior to putting the unit
into service. Starting a unit without
the proper piping, venting or electrical
systems can be dangerous and may
void the product warranty.
Start-Up Preparation & Installation Review
Review the installation section of this manual carefully. Con rm accordance with
the Installation guidelines, including:
1. You have read and followed all safety information.
2. The equipment area is in conformance with established boiler room
requirements. Review national and local codes.
3. There is total absence of water in pipework and  uid. To help the system,
open all drains; blow dry air or nitrogen if available into a high point bleed
through a pressure regulating valve.
4. There are no obstructions left in the  uid circuit from pressure leak testing
such as blanking plates in  anged joints.
5. Pipework is free to expand naturally when hot. Open all valves to user
circuits including air bleed valves at high points and drains at low points in
the piping system, and the liquid level test connections in the expansion
section of the combination tank.
6. Heater is located with the proper clearances as shown in Installation
section of this manual.
7. Relief valves have been properly piped to a safe catchment.
8. Flue gas from the heater is properly vented.
9. Combustion air openings are not obstructed in any way and have
adequate capacity.
10. There are no  ammable liquids, materials or hazardous fumes present in
the environment.
11. Nothing was damaged or knocked loose during shipment and installation.
Inspect the main gas train and trim assembly to be sure they were not
damaged during shipment or installation.
12. Local authorities where approval for start-up is required have been
noti ed. In some localities,  nal inspection of services may be required.
13. Installation checklist is complete.
Fill the System
The viscosity of thermal  uid is generally very high (500 cS) at ambient
temperature. Below 50°F (10°C) some  uids become very thick. Fluid should be
in a pumpable liquid form prior to  lling the system. Refer to the thermal  uid
manufacturers recommendations.
Adhere to the following when  lling the system:
1. Refer to Figure 11 for the drain and  ll connection.