Owner's manual

© Fulton Companies 2014
Non-Fulton product information is for
reference purposes only. No Fulton
document may substitute for full
review of documentation available
from the component manufacturer.
8. Press Escape 6 times to get back to the main menu.
9. You can observe the status of the burner by going to OperationalStat >
10. Verify that the  ame signal on the display is great than 90% and check
combustion. Adjust the burner to match the test  re sheet for main burner
ignition. The procedure described in Setting Main Burner Ignition is used.
11. Once the ignition position has been adjusted properly, you are ready to
check the burner throughout its modulation range. Press Escape twice to
get back to the main menu.
1. Upon releasing the heater to main run modulation, the heater will drive to
low  re.
2. It is necessary to set/check combustion through the entire range of
modulation  rst to enable high  re to be reached. Once high  re is
achieved, the incoming gas pressure can be set (if required). Fine-tuning
of the servo setting throughout the range should be performed only once
high  re settings are con rmed.
3. Note: If the burner loses  ame while driving to a point then:
» Turn the main ON/OFF switch to OFF.
» Reset the loss of  ame fault.
» Press Escape on the AZL once.
» Press Enter on the AZL to reset the control. The red light on the
panel box door should go out. Adjust the air and gas servos for
that point while the burner is o .
» Follow steps below.
» Turn the main ON/OFF switch to ON.
4. Under Params&Display >RatioControl >GasSettings >ProgramStop,
change the program stop to deactivated by using the arrow keys. Con rm
that deactivated’ is acknowledged in the current  eld.
5. This change will allow the burner to modulate. The burner will now drive
to low  re. Remember, it is only important at this stage to set low  re to be
stable and with clean combustion. Exact setting is to be performed once
high  re is con rmed.
6. Press Escape 5 times to get back to the main menu.
7. You can observe the status of the burner By going to OperationalStat/
8. Verify the  ame signal on the display, measure input if gas meter is
available. If not, match last elbow pressures and combustion for test  re
sheet. Adjust the burner as needed.