User's Manual Part 2

Function key F2: [Edit] menu
The [Edit] menu provides a full line of editing features.
Function key F3: [Operate] menu
The [Operate] menu mainly controls transmission and reception.
1: Cancel the last change (cut, copy or paste).
2: Remove the selected text and store it in the
paste buffer. (Previous text in the paste buffer is
3: Copy the selected text and store it in the paste
buffer. (Previous text in the paste buffer is
4: Insert the text stored in the paste buffer at the
current location of the cursor.
5: Select the entire current file for cut or copy.
6: Search a word or a character string.
7: Replace a word with a different word or char-
acter string.
8: Put the cursor to the top line of the current file.
9: Put the cursor to the last line of the current file.
0: Move the cursor to the desired line in the cur-
rent file.
A: Switch between the display window 1 and 2.
1: Select a station on the station list.
2: Enable macro operation. For details, see
section 10.10.
3: Select a file (to transmit).
4: Stop sending a file.
5: Start/stop frequency scanning.
6: Select communication mode for reception;
Note: Do not select DIRC.
7: Timer programming.
8: Set TX mode and subscriber's ID number and
start manual calling.
9: Set TX and RX frequencies and start waiting
for reception.
0: Set ITU or user channel and start waiting for
1: Undo
2: Cut
3: Copy
4: Paste
5: Select All
6: Search
7: Replace
8: Goto Top
9: Goto Bottom
0: Goto Line
A: Change Text
1: Call Station
3: File to Send
4: Cancel Sending
5: Scan (Start/Stop)
6: Manual Reception
7: Timer Operation
8: Manual Calling
9: Set Frequency
0: Set Channel*
2: Macro Operation
*: Only for IB-585