User's Manual Part 2

2. Press the 1 key to select [New]. The title bar shows [UNTITLED 1] or [UNTITLED
2]. The cursor marks the location where you can type text.
3. Type your message.
Note: Do not use the lower case letters, or the symbols #, &, *, $ and % in telex mes-
sages. Also, do not put "$$$" in the middle of a TX message, but at the end. The com-
munication line is automatically disconnected when this string is detected.
To enter "$$$" when editing a message, press the Ctrl + Q keys for IB-585. For IB-
583, enter "$$$" with using the $(4) key.
9.3 How to Save a File
Use only 2HD type floppy disks. Insert the floppy disk with care. Rough handling can
destroy the information stored inside. To eject the disk, press the Eject button on the
left side of the floppy disk drive then remove the disk. Do not eject the disk while the
operating lamp is lit, otherwise the contents of the disk can be damaged.
Use SD cards 2GB or below, or SDHC cards 32GB or below. Insert or eject the SD
card with care when the power is off. Rough handling can destroy the information
stored inside. When ejecting the SD card with power-on, execute [Remove SD Card]
in the [File] menu (see "Function key F1: [File] menu" on page 7-4) then remove the
SD card.
Note: When using the SD card after executing [Remove SD Card], remove the SD
card then insert it.
9.3.1 How to format floppy disks or SD cards
Before you save a file to a floppy disk or an SD card, the disk or the card must be for-
matted. Format the disk or the card as below.
1. Press the function key F1 to open the [File] menu.
2. Insert a new floppy disk or SD card in the drive.
3. Press the 0 key to select [Floppy Disk Format] or [SD Card Format].
4. Press the key to select [Yes] then press the Enter key. The screen shows for-
matting progress as below. After formatting has been completed, control is re-
turned to the standby screen.
SD Card Format
[Floppy Disk Format]
for IB-583