User's Manual

Printing messages automatically
1. Press the MENU/ESC key to open the main menu.
2. Press or to choose NAVTEX, and then press the ENT key to show the
NAVTEX menu.
3. Press or to choose Auto Print, and then press the ENT key to open the
auto print options.
User Select
Auto print options
4. Press or to choose All, User Select or Off as appropriate.
All: Prints all messages.
User Select: Prints only the specified messages at User Select Station & Msg
on the NAVTEX menu.
Off: All messages are not printed automatically.
5. Press the ENT key.
6. Pres the MENU/ESC key several times to close the menu.
Canceling printing
When a menu disappears, you cannot cancel the printing.
1. Press the PRINT key while showing the messages to open the print window.
2. Press to choose “Cancel Print” and then press the ENT key.