Users Manual Part 3

1.40 PI (Parallel Index) Lines
PI lines are useful for keeping a constant distance between
own ship and a coastline or a partner ship when navigating.
You can control the presentation and interval of the PI lines
from the [PI Line] box, which is at the lower-left corner of the
screen (see example figure below).
1.40.1 How to show/hide the PI lines
You can show or hide the PI lines as required with one of the following procedures.
Using the on-screen box
1. Place the cursor on the PI line number or PI line status in the PI line box.
2. Spin the scrollwheel to select the PI line (PI1 to PI6) you want to show or hide.
Note: PI5 and PI6 are only available when [SET MAXIMUM PI LINES] is set to [1].
3. Left-click to toggle between [ON] (PI line is shown) or [OFF] (PI line is hidden).
Using the control unit (RCU-031 only)
1. Press 6 INDEX LINE to select the PI line you want to use (PI1 to PI6).
Note: PI5 and PI6 are only available when [SET MAXIMUM PI LINES] is set to [1].
2. Press and hold 6 INDEX LINE to toggle the selected PI line on or off.
1.40.2 How to set the maximum number of lines to display
You can select the maximum number of PI lines to display. The actual number of lines
visible depends on the line interval (see section 1.40.3).
1. Open the menu.
2. For IMO-types, select [3 NAV TOOLS].
For C-types, select [3 CURSOR•EBL•VRM].
3. Select [2 PI LINES]. The [PI LINES] menu ap-
5. Select the appropriate option.
For IMO-types, the maximum number of PI lines
available is 6.
For C-types, the maximum number of PI lines
available is 11.
If you set [1] as the maximum, PI1 through PI6 are
available for use. For all other options, only PI1
through PI4 are available for use. This setting is
applied to all PI lines.
6. Close the menu.
PI lines
PI line number
PI line interval
PI line status
PI line bearing
and reference