Users Manual Part 3

1.42 Circle Cursor (C-types only)
The CIRCLE cursor is a handy measuring tool which works similar to a VRM, in that
the circle itself can be used to measure distance. However, where the VRM is fixed to
a location on the screen, the circle cursor can be fixed to a geographical location or
even another vessel’s echo.
Note: Before using this feature, make sure the [MAP ON/OFF] button on the Instant-
Access bar
is set to [ON]. This feature is not available when the map is turned off.
1. If the cursor is hidden, show the cursor. For how to show the cursor, see
section 1.7.1.
2. Place the cursor inside the operational display area, then right-click to show the
[CURSOR] menu.
3. Select [0 NEXT], then select [4 CIRCLE CURSOR].
The cursor now appears with a large white circle, as shown in the following exam-
4. Move the cursor to the location where you want to start measuring from.
5. Spin the scrollwheel to adjust the size (distance) of the circle cursor. The radius
(distance from the cursor to the circle cursor) appears at the left-center of the
Note: The size of the circle cursor is directly related to the range at the time it was
inserted. If you increase/decrease the range after inserting the circle cursor, the
on-screen size of the cursor also changes accordingly.
6. Left-click to fix the circle cursor to that location/echo.
To remove the circle cursor, repeat steps 2 and 3, then right-click.
Circle cursorCircle cursor
Range from center of the
cursor to the circle.
Range from center of the
cursor to the circle.