Users Manual Part 8

6.8 Chart Functions
6.8.1 How to show/hide the chart
The [CHART DISPLAY] menu item is [ON] as a factory default. There are two methods
to show/hide the chart.
Show/hide the chart using the InstantAccess bar
Click the Chart button to toggle between [CHART ON] (shows the chart) and
[CHART OFF] (hide the chart).
Show/hide the chart from the menu
1. Open the menu.
2. Select [MARKS•PLOTTER].
3. Select [CHART] to show the [CHART] menu.
Note: You can also show the chart by clicking the
[CHART] button on the InstantAccess bar
4. Select [CHART DISPLAY].
5. Select [ON] to display the chart, or select [OFF] to
hide the chart, then left-click.
6. Close the menu.
Chart buttonChart button
Chart iconChart icon