Users Manual Part 8

6.8.6 How to set up depth lines
You can turn the depth (bathymetry) lines on/off and select the color/line to use for
specified depths.
1. Open the menu.
2. Select [MARKS•PLOTTER].
3. Select [CHART].
4. Select [DEPTH LINES SETTINGS]. The [DEPTH LINES] window appears.
5. Select the depth line you want to set up. The [EDIT DEPTH LINE] window ap-
6. Select [DISP DEPTH LINE].
7. Select [YES] to show the depth line on-screen, or [NO] to hide the depth line.
8. Select [LINE TYPE].
9. Select the type of line to use for the selected depth line.
10. Select [LINE COLOR].
11. Select the color for the selected depth line.
12. Select [RUN] to apply the changes to the selected depth line.
13. Set other depth lines in the same manner, then close the window.
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