Operation Manual

3.11 Making a Telephone Call
1. Select channel 16 or another channel specified or
agreed upon.
2. Hook off the handset.
3. Press the PTT switch and say
a) Called station name 3 times
b) This is [your station name] 3 times
c) Over
Example: Voyager, Voyager, Voyager. This is
4. Release the PTT switch to listen.
5. When answered, confirm channel to use and switch
to that channel.
6. Press the PTT switch to talk: release it to listen. Say
“over” every time you have finished talking.
Note: For ATIS mode, the ATIS ID signal is transmitted
when the PTT switch is released. While the ATIS ID
signal is being transmitted, you cannot
communicate (by pressing the PTT switch).
Communicate after “Rx” appears on the display.
3.12 Dual Watch (except ATIS mode)
The dual watch mode allows you to monitor CH16 and
another channel. To activate the Dual Watch set the
squelch and then do the following:
1. Select a channel.
2. Press the [DW] key over one second.
“DW”, “16” and the working channel selected appear on
the display and scanning begins. If a signal is present
on CH16 the receiver locks on CH16 and ignores other
channels. After the signal has gone, the receiver stays
on CH16 until the signal goes away, and then reverts to
the Dual Watch mode.
To escape from the Dual Watch mode, press any key
except [Enter], [
] and [ ].
3.13 Starting/Stopping Scanning
(except ATIS mode)
Press the [Scan] key over one second to start the
Scanning can be stopped with the any key without
[Lock] key.