Operation Manual

2.11.6 How to turn on the automatic deleting of tracks
The internal memory stores a maximum of 30,000 track points. When the memory for
track points becomes full, the equipment automatically deletes the oldest track points
to get space for new track points.
1. Select [Menu] on the menu icon bar to open the main menu.
2. Select [Ship & Track].
3. Select the [ON] icon in [Automatic Track Deleting].
2.11.7 How to record tracks
You can record tracks as follows:
1. Select [Track Rec.] from the RotoKey menu. The track is plotted on the screen.
2. To stop plotting the track, select the track then select [Stop Track Rec.].
2.11.8 How to replay a saved track
You can replay a saved track on the screen to use the track to create a route.
1. Select the track to replay. The pop-up menu appears.
2. Select [Follow Track]. The route (blue) is created on the track (red).
2.11.9 How to remove a replayed track
After you have used a replayed track, you can remove the track from the screen as
1. Select the replayed track to display the pop-up menu.
2. Select [Delete]. The red line is removed and the track remains as the route (blue
2.11.10 Trackback
The trackback feature creates a route with your current track. This feature helps you
return along a previous track to get lobster pots, crab pots, and the like.
To use the trackback feature, select the active track to display the pop-up menu. Se-
lect [Track Back] to start operation as shown below.
A yellow line runs between your ship and the destination (the shortest course).
A thick red dashed line runs between first destination and point where the track back
Route points are automatically created.
Arrows on the track point in the direction to follow the route.