User's Manual

Dual ESC mixing "DUAL ESC"
The programmed DT button is used to select the drive type
as shown in the figure below.
The function select dial function can control the 4th channels ESC (Rear side) rate
(RATE) with digital dial or digital trim, using the function select switch dial function.
(See page 65)
Dial / Trim Setting
As this function drives 2 separate motor controllers simultaneously, a mutual load is
applied. Use this function carefully so that the motor controllers are not damaged. Fut-
aba will not be responsible for motor controller, motor, and other vehicle trouble due to
use of this function.
Rear rate (RATE)
0 ~ 120
Initial value:100
Adjustment buttons
- Use the (+) and (-) buttons to
make adjustments.
- Return to the initial value by
pressing the (+) and (-) but-
tons simultaneously (approx.
1 sec).
Mixing mode (MXMD)
Initial value: OFF
Trim mode (TRIM)
Initial value: OFF
(Rear side travel adjustment)
Select the setting item "RATE" the (JOG) button up or down
operation. Use when applying a rotation difference to the
front and rear wheels by adjusting the rear (CH4) motor con-
troller travel with the (+) or (-) button.
(Mix mode setting)
Select the setting item "MXMD" the (JOG) button up or down
operation. Set the mix mode with the (+) or (-) button.
"OFF" : CH2 EXP function and other settings are not mixed.
"ON" : CH2 EXP function and other settings are mixed.
(Trim mode setting)
Select the setting item "TRIM" the (JOG) button up or down
operation. Set the trim mode with the (+) or (-) button.
"OFF" : Front side (CH2) trim data is not included.
"ON" : Front side (CH2) trim data is included.
When ending, return to the MENU screen by moving the cur-
sor to the positions other than SW/DIAL and pressing the
(JOG) button.
Select button
- Select with the (+) or (-) but-
Select button
- Select with the (+) or (-) but-
4PLS-Eng-08-2-Function-P65-83.indd 75 2013/04/07 12:48:15