User's Manual

Page 105
RPT Retransmit Message
RPT [destination address]{Local Station Address}
set 240 to 254 for global addressed destination
dcast transmission
85 mode (000 to 254).
: data transmission failed -- destination station is in the reception disabled state
: data transmission failed -- destination station cannot receive because its receive
its the las
ata to a different
For broadcasting messages to multiple modems, set the destination address to 255.
In this case, the modem retransmit the message the number of times of the
Retransmission count plus 1, and then it will return “P0”.
>@TXT002HELLO CR/LF : transmit “HELLO” from station 001 to station 002
<P1 CR/LF : data being transmitted
<N1 CR/LF : transmission failed.
>@RPT002 CR/LF : retransmit “HELLO” from station 001 to station 002
<P1 CR/LF : data being transmitted
<P0 CR/LF : data transmission succeeded
>@RPT003 CR/LF : transmit “HELLO” from station 001 to station 003
<P1 CR/LF : data being transmitted
<P0 CR/LF : data transmission succeeded
Follow the last transmit command’s form of transmission, text or binary, or whether
passing through repeater or not.
In case of broadcast transmission, the receiving result of the destination station
cannot be confirmed at the sender end.
Before invoking this command, execute any transmit command of TXT, TXR, TBN,
or TBR.
There are important notes using transmit commands. Be sure to read p.158
destination address : address of destination station (000 to 239)
set 255 for broa
Local Station Address : local station address for 4
P0 : data transmission succeeded
P1 : command accepted, data being transmitted.
P2 : data packet reached to repeater
N0 : command error (Except 485 mode)
N1 : data transmission failed -- no response from destination sta
buffer is full
Retransm t message.
Use this command to retransmit the same data or transmit the same d
Futaba Corporation Rev. 050415-01.1