User's Manual

Page 55
Set the terminal software as follows: (refer your software instructions for setup details)
parity bit: none
termi a return + line feed
efault state of the modem. When REG20 and
l software setup accordingly.
heck for proper communication between the terminal equipment and the modem after
oning properly, the
odem should return the value of all 28 memory registers to the terminal screen.
1. Set the local station address of the modem (REG00) as follows.
Wireless Modem 2: 002
of Grouping
3. rform Destination Address Checking).
5. lt value for other memory registers.
2. Set REG06 at the fixed frequency No. 0 of Grouping Method H.
Destination Address Checking).
.2.4.2 Terminal Soft w are Setup (M ode 4 )
bit rate: 9600 bps
data length: 8 bits
stop bits: 1 bit
flow control: none
local echo: yes
nator: c rriage
This setting corresponds to the factory d
REG21 are changed, change the termina
setting these parameters. To do this, turn the modem power on and with the communicat
software running, enter “
@ARG CR/LF” at the terminal prompt. If functi
m Mode m Set up (Mode 4)
W eless Modem 1: 001
2. Set REG06 (Frequency Grouping) at the fixed Frequency No. 0
Method H.
Set REG18:bit 0 to 1 (to pe
4. Set REG19:bit 0 to 0 (to use as a modem).
Use the defau
.4.4 Repea t e r Set up (Mode 4)
1. Set REG00 (the local address of the repeater) to 0
3. Set REG18:bit 0 to 1 (to perform
4. Set REG19:bit 0 to 1 (to use as a repeater).
5. Use the default value for other memory registers.
Futaba Corporation Rev. 050415-01.1