Users Manual

Operating Manual Smart Weather Sensor
22 G. Lufft Mess- und Regeltechnik GmbH, Fellbach, Germany
6.15 Precipitation Type
Sampling rate Event-dependent on reaching the response threshold
Response threshold 0.002mm (Radar)
Response threshold 0.2 / 0.5 mm (Rain Gauge)
Follow-up time 2 minutes
Request channels:
UMB Channel
Measurement Variable (uint8)
Precipitation Type
0 = No precipitation
60 = Liquid precipitation, e.g. rain
70 = Solid precipitation, e.g. snow
40 = unspecified precipitation
(WS401-UMB, WS601-UMB, external
rain gauge)
WS100-UMB only:
67 = freezing rain
69 = sleet
90 = hail
Note: A detected precipitation type remains valid for 2 minutes after the end of the
precipitation event. In order to record precipitation types which only occur for a short period
(e.g. short-term rain), the request interval should be 1 minute or shorter.
Ice, hail and sleet are transmitted as rain (60) by devices other than WS100-UMB.
The versions WS401-UMB and WS601-UMB as well as the external rain gauge do not
include detection of precipitation type, so in this case only type 40 (unspecified precipitation)
is indicated. Due to the function of the rain gauge only liquid or molten precipitation can be