User's Manual

G4S PID3 User Operation Manual
Page 6
If the GPS device does not receive any STATUS message from the PID3 device for a specified
“PID_LEAVE_TIME” interval (typically 5 minutes), it logs an event indicating that it has lost contact with
the PID3 and reports this event to the monitoring centre. When the GPS device eventually does receive
a STATUS message after logging the loss of contact event, it logs and reports another event indicating
that PID3 contact has been reestablished. The GPS device and its configuration parameters determine
when the loss of contact event, as well as the contact reestablished event, is logged and reported to the
monitoring center.
Once the PID3 device is in MONITORING mode, the GPS device may also send an information request
command to the PID3 device. In response to this command, the PID3 will transmit an “INFO” message.
The info message reports additional operating information about itself such as its battery voltage, a
number corresponding to the amount of battery capacity used up by the PID3, its software version, etc.
The GPS device may choose to send this command periodically (e.g. once a day) or upon a request from
the monitoring centre. Again, it may take up to 2 minutes for the PID3 to receive this command from the
GPS device and respond to it. The INFO message from the PID3 device contains the following
Wakeup_SN: This is the number of the Officer Key Fob that was used to wake up the PID3.
ShutDownReason: This reports the reason for the last shut down of the PID3 device. Possible
reasons are enumerated below:
ID ShutDown Reason Description
0 NOT_SPECIFIED Shutdown was caused by unknown reason
1 NW_ATTACH_DENY PID3 shutdown due to NW_ATTACH_DENY message received
from GPS device
2 NW_SETUP_TIMEOUT Shutdown due to timeout waiting for NW_ATTACH_ALLOW
message from GPS device while in NW_SETUP mode
3 STRAP_SETUP_TIMEOUT Shutdown due to timeout waiting for strap to be closed in
4 STRAP_OPEN_TIMEOUT Shutdown due to strap being open for longer than timeout
period in MONITORING mode
5 HOST_CMD Shutdown due to shutdown command received from GPS
6 SW_FORCED Shutdown was due to a software forced condition
7 FOB_OFF_KEY Shutdown was due to the OKF OFF key
8 MAIN_BATT_EOL Shutdown was due to PID3 detecting main battery voltage
reaching endoflife threshold limit
255 FLASH_ERASED Shutdown was due to a required flash segment being
detected as erased